Swag Girl xx

Worthadd x Silver Songstress
Schwarzbraun / black bay * 28.3.2020
Englisches Vollblut / Thoroughbred
Züchter / Breeder: Frankreich
Stockmaß / Size: 162 cm

  • GAG 66,5kg

Fotos: © Knaack-Lindemann

Worthadd xx Dubawi Dubai Millenium Seeking the Gold
Colorado Dancer
Zomaradah Deploy
Wigman Rahy Blushing Groom
Glorious Song
Urjwan Seattle Slew
White Star Line
Silver Songstress xx Singspiel In The Wings Sadlers Wells
High Hawk
Glorious Song Halo
Composing Noverre Rahy
Danseur Fabuleux
Aqaba Lake Coniston
Sahara Breeze